Monday, March 30, 2009

Twilight Movie Mistakes

There are a few things... okay a LOT of things about the Twilight movie that irritate the heck out of me. I know a lot of you share my feeling because I've read a lot fandom chatting in my online wandering. Today I want to get one of those things off my chest.

The hospital scene has many problems but I must admit that the one that truly drives me insane is this bad boy.

That damn nasal cannula tubing is practically covering Bella's eyes in the close up shots and half way down her cheeks in the distant shots. Seriously... how hard would it have been for genius Hardwicke to keep the placement of the tubing consistent?

Edward deserves better than staring at nasal tubing... no wonder he threatened to leave :)

Jasper Hale

I love me some Jasper Hale. What a dream boat. Too bad Jackson Rathbone looks hideous in some of his pics...

It's pictures like that that make me question my sanity. Ah but then I see one like this...

And I can happily continue in my delusions.

Jasper is by far my favorite Veggie Vampire. He's the strong, silent, manly type without being emotionally inept. I dissolved into a giggling school girl when I saw Jasper on the big screen. I can't wait to see him in the Birthday scene in new moon!
jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper
jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper jasper

Twilight claims another victim

I convinced my hubby to watch my newly acquired Twilight DVD last night. After swearing me to secrecy he reluctantly admitted that he kinda liked it! Wooohoooo! I don't think I'll ever be able to persuade him to read the books but that's okay. When I first told him about Twilight he got all offended by Stephanie's version of vampires. "She can't girly up vampires like that!" He exclaimed. I of course laughed at him and told him Bram Stoker's Dracula was really just a misunderstood guy who wanted nothing more than to sparkle in the sun for his true love :)


Have you seen who they cast as Caius?

Ummmm..... Yikes!

Seriously that is one weird looking dude. His name is Jamie Campbell-Bower. Here he is in Sweeney Todd...

caius caius caius caius caius caius caius caius caius caius caius caius caius caius caius caius caius

I guess that pic helps me visualize it better. I guess it could work. When I did a google image search for him one of the descriptions was "men who look like old lesbians" hahaha

Twilight Fanfic

Have you gotten to the point that you need more Twilight to read but your books are about to fall apart?  You've gotta check out .  I was completely oblivious to the world of fan fiction until out of Edward/Jasper withdrawals I went searching for a cure and found it!  The Twilighted site has better quality work than you will find on generic fanfic sites plus some good details to let you know what your getting yourself into.  Here are a few of my favorites...

For Eternity by MonksMama (by far the most unique fanfic I've read)

The Twilight Obsession

My love of all things Twilight has reached a new level.  I'm no longer content to read everything Twilight... I want to talk about it too!  But I'm a late 20's something professional with a husband and three kids and WAY to embarrassed to gush about teenage vampires to people I know.  Hooray for the internet and the chance to swoon, blab, gush, giggle, and cheer for our favorite vampire family.

twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight